Tuesday 18 July 2017

Practical ways to reduce your electricity bill

As we approach winter most homeowners are watching their electricity bills with increasing alarm.
Heating geyser water is typically the largest cost of energy in a home today.
An average South African family will spend R6000 or more to heat water every year!
By using solar energy to heat your geyser you can harness the free power of the sun to turn this around.
Solar energy is not only sustainable, it is renewable and this means that we will never run out of it.
The beauty of solar is that it requires little maintenance. Once the solar panels have been installed and are working at maximum efficiency there is only a small amount of maintenance required each year to ensure they are in working order.
There are continual advancements in solar panel technology which are increasing the efficiency and lowering the cost of production, thus making it even more cost effective.
Practical solar gyser heating products for your home
Geyser Heatpumps
The Hi Temp Geyser Heatpump is the most energy efficient way to heat water today.

This heat pump is designed to heat your geyser water to 55’C using hardly any energy at all.
The Geyser Heatpump is connected to any existing electric, gas, oil, or propane water geyser in your home or business.
It makes use of a renewable energy source – the ambient air temperature in a garage, roof, basement or utility room is drawn in through the condensor to heat the water.
This makes it up to 370% efficient as compared to 60-95% for traditional water heating systems.
This means that for every 1 unit of energy required to operate The Hi Temp Geyser Heatpump, 3.7 units of energy are generated from the ambient air to heat the water.
In layman’s terms this means for every R1,00 you spend on electricity you get R4,40 worth.
The electricity, oil, gas, or propane usage is significantly reduced, which means lower running costs, fewer emissions, a smaller carbon footprint, and a safer and healthier environment for all.

In certain cases up to three geysers can be heated with one heat pump.
While Kwikot geysers are recommended, most geyser types can be used.
Evacuated Glass Tube Solar Collectors
This is the latest solar collector technology available in South Africa.

This solar panel made up of vacuum tubes is mainly used for flat roof installations.
What sets these tubes apart is their superior ability to absorb the sun’s infra-red rays which are able to pass through clouds.
The inner tube is coated specially to absorb maximum solar heat and reflect the minimum.

As for wind and low temperatures?
Vacuum tubes are significantly less affected by these because of their insulating properties.
Flat Plate Solar Collectors
Flat Plate Solar Panel Collectors are the oldest and most commonly used technology for solar heating because of their simplicity.

Anyone with basic technical knowledge and gas welder can put something together in less than a day.
This is not to say that it will be an efficient panel.
Flat-plate collectors heat the circulating water to a temperature considerably less than that of the boiling point of water and are best suited to applications where the demand temperature is 30-70°C.
The technology has evolved over the past 10 years to the point that when correctly manufactured they can be in a similar class to that of an Evacuated Glass Tube Collector.
Solo Integrated Solar Geyser
A solar panel with a built-in water tank!

Set to revolutionise the solar water heating market, this hybrid solar unit (SOLO) is the most affordable system of its kind.
This is the only geyser on the world market that has a water tank integrated with the solar panel.
The price is expected to be similar to that of a regular electric geyser.

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